Well Records

Water Well Records

Canadian Water Well Records

Alberta Water Well records

http://groundwater.alberta.ca/WaterWells/d/ knowing your legal land description or gps coordinates are helpful to find the information needed though you can also search by owner name or well id. You may also visit here for additional information. http://esrd.alberta.ca/water/reports-data/alberta-water-well-information-database/. For setback requirements from buildings and septic field etc. please see http://environment.gov.ab.ca/info/library/8069.pdf

Funding /Grant for farmers for drilling wells. The cost of our services is covered: http://www.growingforward.alberta.ca/Programs/index.htm?contentId=ONFARM_WTRMGT_PRG&useSecondary=true&active=yes

-Our Electro Seismology Service is Covered!

British Columbia Water Well records


The Ministry of Environment maintains a ground water well and aquifer database online at http://maps.gov.bc.ca/ess/hm/wrbc/. You can also download the eWELLS application for the entry of a new well record into the database: https://a100.gov.bc.ca/ext/ewells/

The Ministry provides several different ways to search for water well record information. Additionally, you may visit their website at http://www.frontcounterbc.gov.bc.ca/ or call 877 855 3222 for more water well and aquifer information.

https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/wells/public/indexreports.jsp Use a land description such as a PID number or your well tag find water well records.

For setback requirements from buildings and septic field etc. http://www.env.gov.bc.ca/wsd/plan_protect_sustain/groundwater/library/faq_grdwater.html

New Brunswick Water Well records


For   setback requirements from buildings and septic field etc. http://www2.gnb.ca/content/gnb/en/departments/elg/environment/content/land_waste/content/reference_manual/well_construction_well_water_testing.html

Manitoba Water Well Records– No public database currently exists

Newfoundland Labrador Water Well records



Nova Scotia Water Well records

Nova Scotia Well Logs Database: https://www.novascotia.ca/nse/welldatabase/wellsearch.asp

Quebec Water Well records


Saskatchewan Water Well records


Setback requirements https://www.wsask.ca/Global/Water%20Info/Domestic%20Water%20Well%20Management/ALandownersGuidetoWaterWell%20Management.pdf

Ontario Water Well records


Yukon Water Well records

Observation Wells http://yukonwater.ca/monitoring-yukon-water/water-data-catalogue.  Also try http://ngwd-bdnes.cits.nrcan.gc.ca/service/api_ngwds:gin/en/wmc/aquifermap.html For a specific water well record email Water.Resources@gov.yk.ca.

Yukon Domestic Water Well Program (Financing) http://www.community.gov.yk.ca/property/domesticwaterwell.html

LSD Converter

