Finding the right place to drill for water can be effortless in some areas, and down right impossible in other areas. If you live in an area where wells that yield good water are hard to find then Water Find will certainly save you money on the cost of drilling a well, and ensure that you pick the spot with the best yield.
The manufacturer recommends that we have at least 4 survey sites within 100 feet of each other, if you want us to find you a good water source, AND give a reliable yield assessment.
On a big property, where water is hard to find, typically we will take random shots at least 100 meters apart, until we find a spot that shows good yield potential, and then we will do at least a grouping of 4 surveys in that area within 100 feet of each other to get repeatable data that verifies the potential yield of that particular zone.
BASIC PACKAGE (recommended for a small acreage):
$2700 for 6 “sounding sites”, plus $450 per site (if additional survey sites are required).
Plus transportation, (which we prefer to share between several customers in an area, so the cost of transportation can be split up between several customers)
Transportation is currently based on $1 per km
Keep in mind that it costs anywhere from $15,000 to $30,000 to drill a water well nowadays. So the cost to find the right spot to drill your water well is a “no-brainer”.
DELUXE PACKAGE (recommended for small farms):
$4250 for 10 “sounding sites”, and $425 per site (if additional sites are required).
Plus transportation, (which we prefer to share between several customers in an area, so the cost of transportation can be split up between several customers)
Transportation is currently based on $1 per km
PREMIUM PACKAGE (recommended for commercial wells or Agricultural wells):
$8000 for 20 “sounding sites”, and $425 per site (if additional sites are required).
Plus transportation, (which we prefer to share between several customers in an area, so the cost of transportation can be split up between several customers)
Transportation is currently based on $1 per km
Keep in mind that it costs anywhere from $25,000 to $50,000 to drill a commercial or agricultural water well nowadays. So the cost to find the right spot to drill your water well is a “no-brainer”.
We also offer you 10% off of your job for each other customer that you recruit in your area, (up to a maximum of 50% off).
In other words, if you recruit 5 other customers in your area, you will get your basic WaterFind package for only $1250.00 (plus a small portion of the shared milage)
A $500 deposit is required to get us to mobilize, and that deposit can be emailed to info@findwellwater.ca
Please email us, and we will send you a copy of our Docusign Service Agreement.
You can also follow us at our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Waterfind